

Todd&Ernest is an industrial design team based in Seoul.

We are open to projects across various industrial design fields.

TE studio offers comprehensive product development services, from concept creation to mass production/manufacture.

For project inquiries, please contact us via email.

Todd & Ernest is an industrial design team that covers a wide range of fields, from concept development to design and mass production of electronics, furniture, and accessories. With a keen sense of balance between functionality and aesthetics, they design diverse products. Wonjun Choi and Eunho Shim, who both majored in Industrial Design at Hongik University in Seoul, have honed their experience and skills as designers through careers at agencies, startups, and furniture companies, designing various products such as home appliances, furniture, and automotive parts. They bring a fresh perspective and deep understanding of living, design, and culture to their work.

Wonjun Choi
Eunho Shim